Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Super-Toys Last All Summer Long and Artificial Intelligence

'Super-Toys Last All Summer Long' is a short story written by Brian Aldiss. It is a science fiction short story. The story is about an overpopulated world where child's birth is controlled, and the artificial superficiality of the American lifestyle has become more familiar.There are three main characters in the story; David, Monica Swinton and her husband Henry Swinton. David is a robot boy who struggles to express his feelings to his mother and ponders the question of what is real; his mother Monica Swinton, who struggles to endure the loneliness of her isolated lifestyle; and her husband Henry, who is involved in the development of intelligent robots that will be able to serve as social companions for humans. At the end, it is revealed that the couple have been waiting for permission to have a child; David is not a "real" boy.
Whereas the motion picture 'Artificial Intelligence' adapted from the short story is directed by Steven Spielberg. It tells the story of David, a mecha programmed with the ability to love. David is adopted by a married couple, but is then left on his own with a robotic teddy bear and a male prostitute mecha named Gigolo Joe just because he is not a 'real' boy.
The discussion of both of the stories revolve around the question of how intelligent human beings in creating new invention. The robot that is created in the story looks very real. We know as humans we are god's creation but we are gifted with brain that helps us to think creatively and we can create and invent new things using all the sources around us. However, as god's creation, we still could not create the same as what god has created. The exact examples are from both of the stories. There are still something missing in human's invention as compare to god's nature creation.

The Sentinel and 2001: Space Odyssey

Both of the stories, the short story and the motion picture are science fiction stories. The stories are quite complicated to be explored especially for those whose are not really exposed by a science fiction story. On the other hand, to analyse the story we should go beyond our time where we need to be very futuristic.
The stories reaveal about humans as god's creation and we are very dynamic. We tend to explore what is not around us. We try to find and learn about new things. The best thing about humans is that we manage to adapt and make progressive change. Each time and day in our lives teach us about new things and we are able to explore them using our previous knowledge and at the same time we increase our knowledge. However as god's creation our knowledge is still limited. There are many things that we do not know the exact answers and sometimes they are left without being answered as in both of the stories.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Sydney White - The Modern Snow White

The new version of Snow White but still based on the same theme. 'Sydney White' could also be entitled as Sydney White and the Seven Dorks. Sydney White is the daughter of a plumber. She was grown up by her father since her mother died when she was about nine.When it is the time for her to further her study, Sydney earns a scholarship. She wishes to follow the legacy of her mother and enter the Kappa Phi Nu sorority. The presence of Sydney attracts the attention of Tyler Prince; ex-boyfriend of the Kappa President, Rachel Witchburn. Sydney is seen as attractive in her own way which makes Rachel jealous and tries to get rid of her. However, the story ends as in the fairy tale where Sydney and Prince live happily after and Witchburn is defeated.
The role of feminine is highlighted in the story. Before this, Rachel Witchburn plays an important role in making decision regarding the students affair. The presence of Sydney in the college shows that she has the ability to change the lives of the seven dorks; 'The Vortex' and at the same time she fights for the rights of the minorities. She gets one of them, Terrance, to run for Student Body President in order to take back their rights. When those dreams are denied, Sydney runs for President herself. In conclusion, the story proves that females have the ability to change the world even though they are always regarded as 'fragile' by some men.

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs versus A Tale of Terror

A fairy tale story that I enjoy to read since I was a child till now. The story exposes the wickedness of a stepmother who is jealous of her stepdaughter's beauty. However, since it is a fairy tale I could not feel the hardship faced by Snow White. It seems so easy for Snow White to endure the pain due the wickedness of her stepmother. Even when I watch the animated films or other motion pictures about Snow White I still feel the same. I enjoy to read the story and watch the motion pictures just to see the beauty of Snow White and how she meets with her Prince Charming. I also enjoy the ending of the story where Snow White lives happily ever after which is predicted and actually it is not supposed to be true in our real life.
Watching the movie 'Snow White: A Tale of Terror, changes my perception towards the story. It is true that Lillian, the Snow White is beautiful, but at the same time the story highlights to us the wickedness of her stepmother. She tries to kill Lilllian and after she fails to do so she starts to use her black magic. The story reveals the unnatural motherhood of the stepmother, Claudia. Women are born with the quality of natural motherhood but Claudia does not shows that she posseses the quality. Even if Lillian is not her biological daughter, it does not mean that Claudia has to hate her. A real mother should be proud of her child and tries to show love towards her child. Moreover, as for Claudia, she does not have any other child, so if she is blessed with the quality of natural motherhood, she would love and care for Lillian.

O Brother Where Art Thou?

It is a film adapted from the Greek epic 'The Odyssey' and it is considered as the modern version of 'The Odyssey'. It is a nice story even though it is based on old epic but it is more real than the epic itself. The Greek epic by Homer tells about a real hero who is extra ordinary gifted with intelligence, strength and without any fail manages to face all the challenges. As for this film, the story is more about an ordinary man who has done mistakes but then realizes what he is up to. The story starts with the scene of a chain gang, working and singing. Three of the convicts who are chained together manage to escape. They are Ulysses Everett McGill (Ulysses is the Latin name for Odysseus), Pete Hogwallop and Delmar O'Donnel.

Having the same major theme as 'The Odyssey' where the journey teach three of them about life and the value of relationships. As for Everrett, he learns about resposibilities towards his wife and his children. He tries to do his best for them.
The journey also changes him to be a true hero. Even though in the beginning of the story it seems to us that he has a flaw feature and he is not itelligent enough as compare to Odysseus; Homer's hero, he manages to do good things such as saving Tommy from being sacrificed by Ku Klux Klan. Finallly in the end, he saves his wife from marrying her suitor. As the conclusion, the quality that Everret has shown proves to us undoubtedly he is a hero who manages to make a dynamic change.

The Odyssey - An Epic Poetry

Ten years after the fall of Troy, the Greek hero Odysseus still has not returned to his kingdom in Ithaca. At the same time, a number of suitors are waiting to take Odysseus' place and continue to court his wife, Penelope. However, his wife remains faithful to him and in the end with the help of the gods on Mount Olympus they reunite.
"It's not the destination but the journey". This is the major theme of the story. The journey to his kingdom teaches Odysseus the value of lives. From the journey, he learnt to be more tactile and appreciate the opportunities that are given to him. The journey that Odysseus has to undergo is a long journey. The journey proves that Odysseus is a real hero. He manages to return to Ithaca after suffering a lot. On the other hand, the journey also proves that he is a loyal and responsible husband. He can choose to stay with Calypso, who is better than his wife in many aspects but as a loyal and responsible husband he chooses to return to his wife. He is tested and faces troubles but towards the end, he learns to be a good human and he learns to be more responsible.
'Journey' in other words could be symbolised as one's own life. Our lives are actually a journey whereby it starts from birth till the end of our lives and our destination is the Hereafter, where we will be judged. In this journey,we will face challenges and troubles, sadness, happiness and joy. All of the challenges that we face are the tests from god and if we manage to face the tests we will reach our destination that is the heaven.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Apocalypse Now

'Apocalyse Now' is a 1979 film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, which was inspired by Joseph Conrad's novel; 'Heart of Darkness'. However, the setting of the story is changed where it is set in Vietnam during the 'Vietnam War' in the year 1968 onwards. The major character is an army, Captain Benjamin L. Willard. He is a hired assassin and sent up to Nung River to assassinate Colonel Walter E. Kurtz who is about to be arrested for murder and he is believed to be insane.
Adventure is one of the themes of the story. Willard's journey to Kurtz's place is considered as an adventurous journey. He faces troubles and challenges on his way in searching for Kurtz. One by one the crews that accompanied him died and towards the end only one stays alive. Moreover, he has to face the cruelty of Kurtz whereby he is tortured physically and mentally.
As in the novel, colonialism is also one of the themes of this story. However, colonialism in this motion picture is a bit different since the setting and the background of the story is changed. Colonialism is seen through war. The U.S. army use their power to conquer the weaker. It could be seen that war for them is not to fight the terrorists but they are killing the innocent villagers and school children such as what they have done in napalm attack.
The movie exposes to us about the challenges that Willard faces in order to terminate Kurtz. At the same time it reveals the cruelty of war. In the name of peace the big power takes an opportunity to oppress the weaker and innocent people.