Monday, October 27, 2008

O Brother Where Art Thou?

It is a film adapted from the Greek epic 'The Odyssey' and it is considered as the modern version of 'The Odyssey'. It is a nice story even though it is based on old epic but it is more real than the epic itself. The Greek epic by Homer tells about a real hero who is extra ordinary gifted with intelligence, strength and without any fail manages to face all the challenges. As for this film, the story is more about an ordinary man who has done mistakes but then realizes what he is up to. The story starts with the scene of a chain gang, working and singing. Three of the convicts who are chained together manage to escape. They are Ulysses Everett McGill (Ulysses is the Latin name for Odysseus), Pete Hogwallop and Delmar O'Donnel.

Having the same major theme as 'The Odyssey' where the journey teach three of them about life and the value of relationships. As for Everrett, he learns about resposibilities towards his wife and his children. He tries to do his best for them.
The journey also changes him to be a true hero. Even though in the beginning of the story it seems to us that he has a flaw feature and he is not itelligent enough as compare to Odysseus; Homer's hero, he manages to do good things such as saving Tommy from being sacrificed by Ku Klux Klan. Finallly in the end, he saves his wife from marrying her suitor. As the conclusion, the quality that Everret has shown proves to us undoubtedly he is a hero who manages to make a dynamic change.

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