Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady is a very interesting story that really impressed me. I have watched this movie for three times. I still remember the first time I watched the movie when I was in Year Six.At that time my English teacher told the whole class on that night there would be a movie shown on television entitled 'My Fair Lady'. I could remember he mentioned that the movie is about the importance of using correct English Language and he even wrote the sentence ' The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain', on the blackboard so that all of us would take note on how to pronounce the words precisely. I could not remember when I did watch the movie for the second time but it was still due the encouragement that had been made by my English teacher.
Now as a TESL student and at the same time as an English teacher, my view towards the movie is widened. Of course I would watch it differently. In my opinion, the movie proves to us that education is important. Even a person from a low social status such as Eliza Doolitle could be changed through education. We can compare her appearance and attitude before and after she starts her lesson. She looks and acts differently. It is clear that Henry Higgins has changed her a lot. From a flower girl that speaks Cockney accent to a lady as well-spoken as a duchess. This movie also supports what I have learnt in Sociolinguistic last semester. The way we speak could tell us who we are. Furthermore, many sociolinguistic studies have grouped individuals into social classes on the basis of factors such as education. Therefore, as a teacher I would recommend my students to watch the movie not only for enjoyment but due the message that is conveyed from the movie.

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