Thursday, September 25, 2008

Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

When I read this play 'Pygmalion', written by George Bernard Shaw, I do not face any difficulty to understand the plot of the story since I have watched 'My Fair Lady' for three times. 'My Fair Lady' is the film version of the play. Moreover, my understanding towards the story is increased and I could make comparison between the literature and film. 'Pygmalion' is actually derives from the famous story in Ovid's Metamorphoses, in which a man named Pygmalion who is disgusted by the loose and shameful lives of the women of his era, finally falls in love with a perfect and beautiful statue that he creates. Having the same major theme where the sculptor falls in love towards his sculpture, 'Pygmalion' is written as a play by Shaw. However, the story is translated and adapted into Victorian era which does not seem like a myth but a real story which is more relevant.

We could even hear or face this situation in our real lives. In Malaysian culture, for example in Muslim culture, a husband has a total power towards his wife whereby a wife has to obey her husband in whatever condition as long as it is not beyond the Islamic rules. This condition sometimes creates the phenomenon such as in 'Pygmalion'. Some husbands or could be future husbands would take advantage by trying to change their spouses into a perfect lady. It is not wrong for men or husbands to lead and change their spouses to be a better person. However, sometimes they tend to forget that women are normal human beings that have feelings and as normal human beings, their feelings have to be respected. Moreover, they are not angels and they are imperfect. Finally, as what happens to Galatea or Eliza; love would be replaced by hatred. As a conclusion that I can make from the play is that love is very complex and we could not create love like we create a statue. Love comes deep from human' s heart and to enhance the love we should be tolerance and appreciate what is blessed for us.

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